
List of championships

Via the Championships menu you can access championship management:
  • MINE: it is the list of championships created by me (as organizer).
  • Of friends:: is the list of championships organized by friends.
  • Public: it is the list of championships that other users have made visible by setting the status to 'public'
The list displays some main information about a championship: name, surname, username and avatar image of the organizer; state of championship, visibility, type of football (played or game), etc.
Only the organizer user who created the championship can edit it while friends will only be able to view it (if the organizer has set to 'visible to friends' or 'public' status).
To edit a championship, click on the item in the list or on the icon edit To view the championship of a friend or audience, click on the item of the list or on the icon view
The function to delete a championship is present in the management of championship -> 'Delete championship' panel -> 'Delete championship'.

Each of the championship search lists is made up of 3 tabs filter leagues by state:
  • Championships ongoing: Championships in the state 'ongoing' assigned by the organizer
  • Championships ended: championships in the 'ended' state assigned by the organizer.
  • Other championships: all other championships not included in the two precedents in which the status can be 'open enrollment' or 'not specified'
Available functions:
editEnter into championship management (only for the organizer)
viewView the championship organized by others
addCreate a new championship

Create new championship

The button is present in the list of 'championships organized by me' add (bottom right) for adding a new championship. When opening the page you must enter the name of the championship (e.g. 2019 5-a-side football championship) and a description (optional) which usually contains some detail in more. Procedure:
  • Enter a name, at least 3 characters long: (e.g. 2019 Championship 5-a-side football)
  • Enter a description (optional): (e.g. 2019 football championship at 5, Antonio Rossi memorial, max 10 teams.
  • Click on SAVE.
At the end of the operation the championship will open as soon as possible created, to be able to insert the teams manually or by choosing them from three galleries available (shared app gallery, personal team gallery and personal image gallery). Note: the newly created championship will be visible in the 'OTHERS' tab of MY Championships (unless you change the status to 'ongoing', or 'ended').

Introduction to management

By clicking on an item in the list of championships 'MINE', or by clicking on the icon edit will open the championship management page.
On this page there is a bottom bar containing some icons that allow you to navigate between the various pages.
Some pages are visible only to registered users (anonymous users only display general data).
Other pages are visible only after inserting the teams and generating the calendar (e.g. the calendar itself)
Likewise, if the list of players is not entered, the scorers ranking will be empty.
ChampionshipTeamsCalendarStandingsTop scorers
Description of icons and functions:
football Edit general data, insertion of teams, generation calendar, qualifications, championship elimination, settings.
team Management of the teams entered (penalties, notes, etc.) and list management of the players.
calendar View the schedule and allow game editing by selecting a meeting from the list.
statsView team standings.
playerView the top scorers
footballdati generali

The General Data panel allows you to save general information such as status, visibility, etc.
Apart from the name (mandatory of at least 3 characters), already entered during the phase creation, all other fields are optional.
To save the changes made to the general data, click on SAVE button at the bottom of the page.
The fields that can be modified are:
  • Description: : (e.g. 2019 5-a-side football championship, Antonio memorial Rossi, max 10 teams.
  • Start date: the start date of the championship
  • End date: the championship end date
  • Location: allows you to select a sports facility among all those that the organizer has entered in the Account -> Facilities section sportsmen.
  • Type: indicates the type of football i.e. 5-a-side football, 7-a-side football, 11-a-side football, etc.
  • Played or game: indicates whether the championship is actually played or it is a championship played on console via PES® or FIFA®
  • Status: indicates the current status of the championship and is possible choose between:
    • Not specified
    • Registrations open: when the organizer proposes a new championship and is awaiting registrations from other teams
    • In progress: when the championship has already started.
    • Ended: when the championship is over.
  • Visibility: indicates who can see the championship and is it possible choose between:
    • Private: this is the initial state when creating a championship and indicates that only the organizer can see it.
    • to friends only: only friends of the organizer can search for it using the search functions and view all data without being able to modify them.
    • Public: All registered and logged in users can search for it and view its data while non-registered users they can search it but only display some general data (without leaderboards, scorers, etc.)

The Teams panel allows you to insert the participating teams championship.
To save the changes made to the teams, click on SAVE button at the bottom of the page.
Without the inclusion of the teams we cannot move on to the next phase calendar generation.
It is possible to insert teams in 4 different ways
  • By choosing them from the system library of logos and teams 'APP GALLERY'
  • Choose them from the personal gallery 'MY TEAMS'
  • Choose them from the personal gallery 'MY IMAGES'
  • By adding them manually
Procedure for adding a team from the shared logo gallery e of the teams:
  • Click on the APP GALLERY button to open the window with the list of team logos shared among all users
  • Select continent and country to view teams available:
  • Select the teams to insert / modify
  • Click on the icon: add team to return to championship by viewing the added teams
Procedure for adding a team from your personal team gallery teams:
  • Click on the MY TEAMS button to open the window with the list of personal teams previously created by you
  • Select the teams to insert / modify
  • Click on the icon: add team to return to championship by viewing the added teams
Procedure for adding a team from your personal team gallery Images:
  • Click on the MY IMAGES button to open the window with the list of personal images previously created by you
  • Select images to insert / edit
  • Click on the icon: add team to return to championship by viewing the added teams
Procedure for manually adding a team to the list:
  • Type the team name (at least 1 character) in the field input 'Insert name', (e.g. Rome)
  • Click on the icon: add team to add it to the list below
Note: When adding teams from a library a check the name and if it is already present only the new logo will be reloaded o image.
Once you have entered all the teams, click on SAVE (completely page).
To delete an inserted team, click on the icon delete team

Note: inserting or deleting teams is only possible if the calendar has NOT been generated yet, therefore to make changes to teams after calendar generation you must first delete it (deleting all match results possibly already entered).
footballgenerate calendar

The Generate Calendar panel allows you to generate the calendar in based on the teams entered.
You can choose the 'Round trip' option or 'One way'.
Before generating it, make sure you have saved the championship with the command SAVE (at the bottom of the page).

Procedure for generating the calendar:
  • Choose a 'Round trip' or 'One way' option
  • Click on the 'GENERATE CALENDAR' button
At the end of the generation you will be returned to the Calendar page.
When a championship has already been generated, two more will be available buttons:

ATTENTION: as the regeneration of the calendar or its deletion deletes all match results that may have been entered, To continue with the aforementioned actions, the user must enable 3 controls safety.
Only after enabling the 3 safety controls the buttons 'CALENDAR REGENERATION' and 'DELETE CALENDAR' will be enabled and can be used.

Procedure for deleting the calendar:
  • Enable the 3 security controls
  • Click on the 'DELETE CALENDAR' button

Since the calendar is randomly generated and always different, it is possible use the regenerate calendar function to choose the arrangement of meetings that satisfies the most (this operation cancels all matches and match results entered if necessary).

Procedure for regenerating the calendar:
  • Enable the 3 security controls
  • Click on the 'REGENERATE CALENDAR' button

The Promotions panel allows you to enter for each position a team in the standings, a color and a text (e.g. qualified for play-offs, play-outs, qualified champions, etc.). The qualifiers they therefore only modify the graphic aspect of the ranking by also showing a table with the qualifications entered.
To save the changes made to the qualifications, click on SAVE button at the bottom of the page.
It is possible to activate the qualifications or not by choosing the option 'Visible in standings'.
The number of positions present corresponds to the number of teams entered so for each one you can choose the color and text.

Procedure for entering qualifications:
  • Click on the input field marked with 'Select Color' to open the color palette.
  • Choose the color in the palette or one of the 5 colors preset.
  • Click on the input field marked 'Promotion' e type the name (e.g. Champions Qualified)
  • Click on the 'SAVE' button (at the bottom of the page)
At the end of the insertion, check the graphic effects by viewing the Calendar.
Note: the 'Code' field is defined with a hexadecimal value consisting of # symbol followed by 6 hexadecimal digits. To assign the same color is You can also copy it from a previously chosen value and paste it into another location.
footballdelete championship

The Championships elimination panel allows you to delete the entire championship.
ATTENTION: the elimination of the championship is definitive and it will no longer be possible to recover it.

Procedure for canceling the championship:
  • Enable the 3 security controls
  • Click on the 'DELETE CHAMPIONSHIP' button
  • In the 'Confirm deletion' window, click on Delete

The Settings panel allows you to assign points for each victory, draw and defeat in the calculation of the rankings. The value gives assign must be a number (and within the ranges provided by the validation).

The fields that can be modified are:
  • Victory points : 3 (default)
  • Draw points : 1 (default)
  • Defeat Points : 0 (default)
Other standings preferences:
  • Head-to-head points: in case of a tie in the ranking it is in the team that scored the most points in the direct matches has the advantage
  • Away goals are worth double: you can choose whether, in calculation of the separate ranking, goals must be counted as double transfer. According to the new regulations, away goals no longer count considered 'double'.
To save the changes made to the settings, click on SAVE button at the bottom of the page.
teamTeam list

Via the Teams tab you can access the list of teams already previously entered in the Championship tab.
To view and manage a team's data, select it from the list to open the edit page (if you are the organizer owner) otherwise detail for other users
teamTeam list ➔ Edit team

This team management page allows you to:
  • Change the name
  • Add the logo to the team in 3 different ways by choosing it:
    • from the App gallery (shared)
    • from your personal image gallery
    • from the teams' personal gallery
  • Insert players via multiple insertion by choosing them in 2 ways different:
    • from your friends list
    • from the personal player gallery
  • Insert a single player by completing the 'Name' field and clicking click on the icon add player
  • Associate existing players with friends by importing their Player Data
  • Associate an existing single player with a gallery player players by importing all their data
  • Dissociate a player previously associated with a friend
  • Dissociate a player previously associated with a player
  • Delete a player
  • Add penalty points, additional points and set priority in the case of teams with equal points
Warning: you must always save the changes you have made click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the page.
In the case of PES® or FIFA® tournaments on consoles, as the player represents a team, it is recommended to include at least one player (giving him the name of the team) to be able to view the scorers ranking.

The team logo can be added in 3 different ways:

Add logo from shared gallery

Click on the icon shared logos to open a modal window in which to choose the logo among those available by continent, country, series, etc. and also having the possibility to filter by name.

Add logo from your personal team gallery

Click on the icon team logos for open a modal window with the list of teams present in the gallery personal teams to choose the logo from, also having the possibility of filter by name.

Add logo from personal image gallery

Click on the icon images to open a Modal window with the list of images present in the personal gallery images to choose the logo from, also having the possibility to filter by name.
teamTeam list ➔ Edit team ➔ Add player

To speed up the inclusion of players for all future championships, yes recommends making friends with likely participants in the championship so you can add them quickly with multiple insertion.
The advantage of including a player associated with a friend is that you can view the top scorers with your avatar image viewing the profile of all players.
It is also possible to quickly import from the personal player gallery favorite footballers.
Additionally, the organizer or referee of a match may rely on this list to verify the actual players who took the field for each match.
In the case of PES® tournaments or FIFA® on consoles, as the player represents a team, it is recommended to include at least one player (giving him the name of the team) to be able to view the scorers ranking.

To add a single player (not associated with any friends):
  • Expand the 'Add Player' panel
  • Enter at least the player's name: (e.g. Angelo G.)
  • (Optional) Enter shirt number, position, role, side, date of birth and notes.
  • Click on the icon add
The inserted player will be visible in the 'Player list' panel below.

To save the changes made, click on the button SAVE at the bottom of the page.
team Team list ➔ Edit team ➔ Add player friend

To add friendly players (choosing them from the friends list):
  • Click on the 'Search for Friends' button to view the list some friends.
  • Select friends to add as players
  • Click on the Add Players button add
The inserted players will be visible in the 'Player List' panel below and being associated with a user will also be visible the avatar image, the username, the first name and the last name (if present and if the user has not disabled their visibility).
If the player coming from the friends list is already present in the list, no it is duplicated but it is only updated!
It is however possible to change the player's name (visible in scorers ranking) simply by editing the name field.
Please note that if you change your name, all events will match (goals, etc.) previously entered will retain the previous name.
The top scorers, however, will display the new name assigned e will take into account events entered with a different name (provided the player does not was eliminated from the team and then reinstated).

To save the changes made, click on the button SAVE at the bottom of the page.

To add players by choosing them from your personal gallery players:
  • Click on the 'Player Gallery' button to view the list of players.
  • Select players to add
  • Click on the Add Players button add
The inserted players will be visible in the 'Player List' panel below and being associated with a player in the gallery will be the photo and all other data present are also visible.
If the player coming from the gallery is already on the list he will not come duplicated but is only updated!
It is however possible to change the player's name (visible in scorers ranking) simply by editing the name field.
Please note that if you change your name, all events will match (goals, etc.) previously entered will retain the previous name.
The top scorers, however, will display the new name assigned e will take into account events entered with a different name (provided the player does not was eliminated from the team and then reinstated).

To save the changes made, click on the button SAVE at the bottom of the page.
team Team list ➔ Edit team ➔ Associate player with friend

Each player on the list can be associated with a friend.
Some buttons are available to manage the association:
bind friend Associate FRIEND: opens the list of friends, select a friend from associate with the current player
unbind friendUNBIND FRIEND: only removes the association with a friend but not eliminate the current player
search friendSearch Friend: opens the friends list to locate the friend associated or to change it

It is however possible to change the player's name (visible in top scorers) simply by editing the name field.
Please note that if you change your name, all events will match (goals, etc.) previously entered will retain the previous name but only when you enter the meeting detail page.
The top scorers, however, will display the new name assigned e will take into account events entered with a different name (provided the player does not was eliminated from the team and then reinstated).

To save the changes made, click on the button SAVE at the bottom of the page.
team Team list ➔ Edit team ➔ Associate gallery player

Each player on the list can be associated with a player from personal gallery.
Some buttons are available to manage the association:
bind friend Associate PLAYER: opens the personal player gallery for select one to associate with the current player
unbind friendUNBIND PLAYER: only removes the association with a gallery player but does not delete the current player
search friendSearch Player: opens the personal player gallery for locate the associated player or to change it

It is however possible to change the player's name (visible in top scorers) simply by editing the name field.
Please note that if you change your name, all events will match (goals, etc.) previously entered will retain the previous name but only when you enter the meeting detail page.
The top scorers, however, will display the new name assigned e will take into account events entered with a different name (provided the player does not was eliminated from the team and then reinstated).

To save the changes made, click on the button SAVE at the bottom of the page.
team Team list ➔ Edit team ➔ Delete player

To delete a player:
  • Expand the 'Player List' panel and click on a player in the player list to expand its panel
  • Click on the Delete button at the bottom delete player
The player will be eliminated from the team.
Warning: When you delete a player, all his match events (in edit match) will also be removed and it will no longer be possible to recover them!
Note: Deletion will only happen when saving the page.
NOTE: The top scorer will be updated accordingly!

To save the changes made, click on the button SAVE at the bottom of the page.
team Team list ➔ Edit team ➔ Penalty and position

Through the penalties and position panel you can manage:
  • Additional points: Positive integer number indicating points additional ones that will be added in the team ranking. Ex. 10
  • Additional points description: descriptive text indicating the reason for awarding additional points. Ex. ' Starting points assigned to the current championship'.
    Note: this feature is useful when the championship is already underway and yes wants to start assigning match results only from the moment in which the championship was created.
    Furthermore, at the end of the first round it may happen that some teams they withdraw (due to lack of players or other reasons) and it is therefore necessary create a new championship valid only for the second round eliminating the withdrawn teams and assigning the starting score that each team had at the end of the first round.
  • Penalty points: Positive integer number indicating the penalty points penalties that will be subtracted in the team classification. Ex. 3
  • Penalty Description: descriptive text indicating the reason of the penalty. Eg 'for sporting offences. '
  • Priority and equal points : when two teams in the standings have the same score can be decided, regardless of goal difference, from the separate standings and from the head-to-head matches, of favor one team over another by placing it higher or lower than the current position.
    The dynamic list shows the entry 'Automatic' (default) and many progressive numbers of how many teams are playing. Assigning a priority 1 to a team means that it will be placed first among all the other teams that have the same score.
    Assigning a priority 2 to another team means that it will placed second among all other teams that have the same score.
    NOTE: If priority is assigned to only one team while the others are calculated automatically, then whatever the assigned priority (1, 3, 7, 8, etc.) will still be placed first of the others.
  • Priority Description: the reason why you are a team member assigned a priority. Eg ' always ranks first among teams a equal points for sporting merit.'
  • Note in the standins: additional descriptive text to display in the standings.

Attention: to save changes made to penalty points and players must always click on the SAVE button at the bottom page.
calendarMatch list

The matches are only present if the championship has already been generated.
Via the Calendar menu you can view the matches for each day and clicking on a game takes you to the editing page (for the organizer) or simple viewing (for other users):

At the top there are several filters that allow you to filter:
  • The First round or Return round
  • Matches based on played or unplayed status:
    • ALL: shows the list of all the matches
    • TO PLAY:: shows only matches to play
    • PLAYED: shows only shows matches played
  • Matches of a single TEAM
  • According to OTHER FILTERS: matches that have a scheduled date

The information visible for each match on the calendar is:

  • Day and time of the meeting.
  • Team 1
  • Team 2
  • Result
  • Green tick 'Game ended'
calendarEdit match

By clicking on an item in the meeting list you access the relevant page to modify the meeting (for the organizer) or simply view (for other users).

To assign a goal to a team click on the icon add goal
To remove a goal from a team click on the icon remove goal

To indicate that the game is finished, enable the 'Finished' control.
Note: the team and top scorers only take into account games finished.

To assign the date of the meeting click on the 'Select date' control date to open a window for choosing the date. After selecting it click on 'Confirm' to set it or 'Cancel'. To remove a date assigned, click on 'Remove' icon instead.

To assign the start time of the meeting click on the control 'Select time' hour to open a window for choosing the time'. After selected hour and minutes click on 'Done' to set it or 'Cancel' to cancel the operation. To remove the assigned time, click instead 'Remove'.

To save the changes made, click on the button SAVE at the bottom of the page.
calendarAssign referee

Referee assignment can be done in two ways: by pointing simply the name in the 'enter name' field or by searching for it from friends list and associating it.

Procedure to add the referee by choosing him from the friends list:
  • Click on the icon search friend for view your friends list.
  • In the friends list, click on the corresponding Associate button of the friend
When the referee is associated, the avatar image will also be visible username, first name, and last name.
It is however possible to change the name, even after associating it.
To remove the referee-user association, click instead unbind referee.
Tip: clicking on the avatar image of an associated referee you can see other profile data (if made visible by the user).

Inserting a referee associated with a friend also has another advantage, the delegation to modify match events:
the referee has the authority to modify match events at the same time organizer way.
This means that if the referee enters the match where he was called to referee then he will be allowed to modify only the events match.
This feature saves the organizer from the burden of insert them.
Tip: Referees are advised to enter at least the goals, yellow and red card events to see them in the ranking markers.

To save the changes made, click on the button SAVE at the bottom of the page.
calendarAssign match events

To assign match events you must have entered the list of players of a team.
The assignable events are:
  • Goal
  • Goal on penalty
  • Wrong goal
  • Own Goal
  • Yellow card
  • Expulsion for double yellow
  • Red card
  • Player in
  • Player out
  • Assist
match events
Procedure to add an event:
  • Select the team and player to assign an event to by clicking on the team and choosing it from the list of players available.
  • Enter the minute from the keyboard or by clicking on + or - (if held down one of the + or - buttons the advancement is automatic until you click again).
  • Click on the icon for the event to add.
The entered event will be visible in the list below.
If the player is associated with a user it will also be visible, in addition to the name, the avatar image.
Tip: clicking on the avatar image of an associated player you can see other profile data (if made visible by the user).
To remove an event, click on the icon delete event next to the event.
The sorting of events, based on the minute, occurs at the end of the saving and subsequent loading.
Note: Remember that events are included in the ranking calculation only if the match is marked as 'finished'.

To save the changes made, click on the button SAVE at the bottom of the page.

The page shows the team standings: Total, Home and Away.
If the standings is not present, it means the teams have not yet been inserted by the organizer via the Championship tab.
top scorersTop scorers
Top scorers

The page shows 2 scorer rankings: Scorers and ADV Scorers.
The top scorers list shows the name, team, goals and username (if the player is associated with a friend) and in that case it can be seen also the detail by clicking on its photo/logo.
The ADV scorers ranking. (advanced) shows the name, and all events match: goals, penalty goals, missed penalties, own goals, cards yellows, double yellows, red cards and assists.

If not present it means that the championship has not yet been generated by part of the organizer or there are no players present.
Tip: clicking on the avatar image of an associated player you can see other profile data (if made visible by the user).