Personal gallery

Through the 'Personal gallery' menu you can access the management of user's favorite images, banners and teams.
The images or teams included in the gallery will only be available for the user and for all leagues or tournaments.
So it is It is advisable to insert the customized images first and then associate them to a team or upload them directly when creating a championship or tournament.

Immagini Images

The list contains user-defined images which can be used as logos in the team gallery or directly associating them to a team of a competition
Available functions:
edit imageEdit Image
add imageCreate a new image
delete imageDelete image

Add image

In the list of images there is a button add image (bottom right) for adding a new image. At the opening of the page it is necessary enter the name of the image (which can be a player name or team) and take a photo. Procedure:
  • Enter a name , at least 1 character long: (e.g. Mario, Virtus ..)
  • In the Image Type menu select the 'Image'
  • item
  • Take a photo or choose it from your device
  • Optionally change the preferences to open the editor (for crop or retouch) after taking a photo or to edit the image quality
  • Click on SAVE .
At the end of the saving operation the list will open again of the images and the new image just inserted will be visible in the tab 'IMAGES'.

Edit image

By clicking on an item in the image list, or by clicking on the icon edit image will open the page of image editing.
It is possible to change the name and / or photo by clicking on SAVE at the end of the modification.
All references to this image will be updated namely:
  • the teams in the 'Team Gallery' that had associated this image
  • the teams included in a league or tournament to which it was associated this image
Via the 'Personal Gallery' menu you can access the management of user-defined sponsor images.
The images in this list (gallery) are personal to the user and can be published via the 'Sponsor publication' function present in 'my account', subject to validation by you of the app administrator.
This list contains the list of user-defined banners that can be used to insert advertising images within their competitions.
The number of banners that can be created is initially of 1 but this limit can be increased through the 'PLUS Features' in the Home Page of the app.
After inserting a banner (and validated by the administrator) it is possible to configure the position in which to make it visible through the Account page -> 'Banner publishing'.
Available functions:
edit bannerEdit banner
add bannerCreate a new banner
delete bannerDelete banner
In the banner list there is the button add banner (bottom right) for adding a new banner. At the opening of the page it is necessary enter the banner name and take a photo.
NOTE : the number of banners that can be created is initially 1 but this limit can be increased through the 'PLUS Features' on the Home Page of the app.
  • Enter a name , at least 1 character long: (e.g. 'sponsor 1')
  • In the Image Type menu, select 'Advertising banner'
  • Take a photo or choose it from your device
  • Optionally change the preferences to open the editor (for crop or retouch) after taking a photo or to edit the image quality
  • Click on SAVE and VALID to request validation from the administrator who must verify compliance with the rules on the publication of contents
If, on the other hand, you opt for saving without validation (SAVE only), the banner image can still be modified later and you will need to request validation later using the 'REQUEST VALIDATION' button in edit mode.
NOTE 1 : as long as the administrator invalidates the banner it cannot be used!
NOTE 2 : a validated banner CANNOT be modified anymore!

At the end of the saving operation the list will open again of the images and the new banner just inserted will be visible in the tab 'BANNER'.
Important: if the banner has already been validated or the request has already been sent, it will NOT be possible to modify it.
By clicking on an element of the banner list (banner tab), or by clicking on the icon edit banner will open the page of modification of the banner.
It is possible to change the name and / or photo by clicking on SAVE at the end of the modification.
All references to this image will be updated namely:
  • the teams in the 'Team Gallery' that had associated this image
  • the teams included in a league or tournament to which it was associated this image

Squadre Teams

Through the 'Personal gallery' menu you can access the management of the teams defined by the user and reusable within all their competitions.
The teams in this list (gallery) are personal to the user and can be associated, when creating a championship or tournament, to a team (of a championship or tournament).
Since the teams in the gallery have, in addition to the name, also a logo, the initial loading of the teams of a championship or tournament becomes very fast.

Contains user-defined teams that can be used by associating them with a team of a competition
Available functions:
edit teamEdit team
add teamCreate a new team
delete teamDelete team

Add team

In the list of teams there is a button add team (bottom right) for adding a new team. At the opening of the page it is necessary enter the team name and choose the logo.
  • Upload your team by searching for it in the App Gallery shared for all users
  • or by looking for the team from your Image Gallery
  • Choose whether to confirm the imported name or change it.
  • Click on SAVE TEAM .
Note: The 'Import team name when searching' option is normally enabled and allows you to retrieve the imported team name from the gallery as well.
At the end of the saving operation the list will open again of the teams and the newly added team will be visible in the list.

Edit team

By clicking on an item in the team list, or by clicking on the icon edit team will open the page of team modification.
It is possible to change the name and logo by clicking on SAVE at the end of the modification.
All references to this team will be updated and therefore all teams in a competition that have been associated with this team will have the logo updated (but not the name!)

Giocatori Players

This list contains user-defined players that can be used to enter players into a competition team.
Available functions:
edit playerEdit player
add playerCreate a new player
delete playerDelete player

Add player

The button is present in the list of players add player (bottom right) for adding a new player. When opening the page you need to enter the player's name and take a photo.
  • Enter a name, at least 1 character long: (e.g. Angel)
  • Take a photo or choose it from your device (optional)
  • Optionally, before taking a photo, change the preferences which give you the option to choose whether to open the editor (for cropping or retouching the photo) or to change the image quality
  • In the 'Other player data' panel, optionally enter the shirt number, position, role, side, date of birth and some notes.
  • Click on SAVE.
At the end of the saving operation the list will open again of players and the new player just added will be visible in the list.

Edit player

By clicking on an item in the player list, or by clicking on the icon edit player will open the page player modification.
It is possible to change the name, photo and other data by clicking on SAVE when finished
  • Optionally select 'Sync player name and other data across all championships and tournaments when I save!' to synchronize/update, at the time of saving, all the data of the player possibly present in the list (squad) of a team in a championship or tournament.